to wit

英 [tu wɪt] 美 [tu wɪt]



  1. He'd like 'happiness' to be given a new and more scientifically descriptive label, to wit 'Major affective disorder, pleasant type'.
  2. ( to wit, one software engineer recalled employees spending much of their time planning for their six-month reviews instead of focusing on product development.)
  3. Yet, the letter complains, "Proview Shenzhen and its agents continue to make statements about Apple to the public which are false and misleading"& to wit, that Apple cut a deal with the wrong company.
  4. To wit, Google ( GOOG) reportedly wants to get into the game with a prime-like service of its own.
  5. ( to wit, staff engineers can reportedly command somewhere between$ 174,000 and$ 186,000 a year.)
  6. To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.
  7. To wit, the prophets of Israel which prophesy concerning Jerusalem, and which see visions of peace for her, and there is no peace, saith the Lord GOD.
  8. To wit, e-mail, remote login, and superuser privileges all require a password& preferably disparate and each difficult to guess or derive using an automated attack.
  9. Adler told me that his favored approach involves six steps, to wit
  10. To wit, the time lines in Figure 1 show the frequency of critical kernel updates for a number of popular operating systems between January 2009 and February 2010.
  11. To wit: Paramecium Pond,( pictured) edging a rich, botanical garden through which travels a stream fed by nearby waterfall.
  12. Really, the body view, to wit, the best version of the body view, that is the brain version, now has to say, Oh, we moved Shelly's brain and put it here.
  13. To wit, just because we have not found fossil great apes in Africa does not mean that they are not there.
  14. There are six simple and primary passions, to wit: wonder, love, hatred, desire, joy and sorrow.
  15. To wit, a brilliant new boot with a buckshot pattern punched into it.
  16. These two properties seem essential to wit, more particularly the last of them.
  17. To wit, that both Countrywide and Merrill were virtually bankrupt institutions and to pay even$ 1 for their equity might well have been too much.
  18. He will leave at the end of term, to wit 30 July.
  19. Taken generally, justice is the same for all, to wit, something found useful in mutual association; but in its application to particular cases of locality or conditions of whatever kind, it varies under different circumstances.
  20. To wit, fit is as essential for jeans as for tailored slacks.
  21. There could be only one conclusion, to wit, that the evidence they sought existed.
  22. And they were both naked: to wit, Adam and his wife: and were not ashamed.
  23. We speak in a language they don't know, to wit, english.
  24. The theory of comparative advantage present includes 7 essential factors, to wit, land, labor force, capital, technology, information, organization and system.
  25. According to integrated geological investigation, there is a NW-SE strike NE dip fault 1100m below surface, to wit the development of the fault, the heating source was formed.
  26. From four aspects the paper focuses on social factors which affecting vocational education in rural areas, to wit: agricultural technology? employment market and opportunity cost of schooling as well as public opinion.
  27. The natural and social quality of productive labor forms the nature of productive labor, to wit, connotation, which is the essential foundation to inspect and research productive labor for us.
  28. Finally, we study the role of spices in the economic activity and social life, to wit used as money and precious gifts and taking an important part in the upper-class banquets.
  29. Along with the Internet used, more and more people publish their points of view and express their opinions through the Internet, to wit network expression.



  1. as follows

      Synonym:    namelyviz.that is to sayvidelicet